Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

We are now in the second week of the Advent season and onto the second installment of my Christmas List themed Wish List Wednesday postings. Last week's items were a mix of nerdiness and domesticity. This week marks a departure from both of those areas, unless awesome technical nerd knowledge is employed in super-charging some of the items below. This week's featured item from my Christmas list keeps going off and on the list. Please feel free to let me know if I should make it a permanent fixture or not.

The item in questionable standing on my list is the Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS gun. My eyes first laid upon this glorious wonder over Thanksgiving Break as Nick and I were wandering around NYC and landed in F.A.O. Schwartz. While the Nerf gun serves no practical purpose, besides demolishing my housemates, you simply cannot deny the awesomeness. This automatic baby boasts a firing rate of three darts per second.

Continuing with items that are not on my list, but have related associations, I selected two other toy listings which have little practical purpose, but just make any nerdy child smile. Next time I have $250 to drop for no reason, I'll look to this Star Wars Republic Dropship with AT-OT Walker Lego Set. Who doesn't love Legos?

Lastly, I have to admit I still have stuffed animals with me at college. The ones here are small in number and significant in my life. That being said, I am still a sucker for cute fluffiness, and I always enjoy visiting the penguins at the Oregon Zoo no matter how smelly the area is. Who can't resist a stuffed penguin?

In conclusion, I appreciate that a part of me will always be a spunky seven-year-old. Happy Holidays and to my college companions, I hope we all make it through finals and exams!

1 comment:

  1. As one of said "housemates" who would be demolished I would say to take it off the list lol.
