Originally, I partially promised that I would write ten paragraphs or some generally long ridiculous length about Christmas. What better day to tackle that feat than Christmas day right? Well, after consideration that feat seems a bit too much to handle after large amounts of chocolates, rib roast, cabernet sauvignon, and my buche de noel, so instead I decided upon a different task. Many years ago, at the conclusion of my senior year at Jesuit, I wrote a little facebook note titled "Wrap Up?". For those of you who are friends of mine online, if you are really curious, you can read the note here. The main crux of the note was a list of things, in a fairly positive light, that I had learned that academic year.
While I am only halfway through the 2010-2011 academic year, we are nearing the end of the calendar year for 2010. Even though it is not the actual end, today is Christmas, and I am choosing to go all Catholic on you all, and say that the birth of Jesus Christ marks a new beginning. With this new beginning, I first choose to reflect upon the old. 2010 has been a turbulent year, only comparable to my senior year at Jesuit for the bad, yet comparable to childhood bliss for the good. There have been ups and downs for me. Relationships have come and gone, perspectives changed, and some friends lost, but many more gained. Through this list, my actions and my smiles, I never want to stop emphasizing how much happiness, gratitude, and love I have towards my friends both old and new.
So here, goes, without much revision, with a grateful prayer and a thankful heart, my lessons gained in 2010 (in no particular order whatsoever because that's who I am):
-Water Polo means I can once again eat as many carbs as I like and still have a small waistline
-Stress kills all appetite
-Even when you are crying, you should listen to your friends and eat some curry
-Emotions scar
-Physical scars are signs of badass adventures, silly clumsiness, and life never to be forgotten
-Pain is necessary, however, it makes the joy so much more golden
-I still rely on spell checkers to spell "necessary" correctly for me
-Some memories can never be erased
-People love me
-I have some of the most caring amazing friends
-Coffee is still my main legal addiction
-Boys can be, and are, silly
-Dance in the sunshine, in the rain, and in the snow
-Sometimes just being there is all someone needs
-Friends with benefits has a time and place
-Honesty is the best policy
-Talk to your siblings
-Long distance friendships can still remain, and may be some of the strongest you will ever know
-Never stop doing what you love, your own creativity and gifts may surprise you
-I learned to stop mistyping "surprise"
-Whiskey is my best friend and worst enemy
-Little moments filled with laughs and whispers are the best kept secrets in your heart
-I am horrible at betting in poker
-Never care what others say, but always be proud of the actions and choices you make--if you cannot live with yourself, then it matters not if others can
-Do not kick trees or houses in tear-driven rage
-Some of the best support comes where you least expect it
-No one ever gives me white wine, except for white zinfandels
-Hug those you appreciate
-Vodka and tequila should not be mixed quickly together
-I still don't like I.P.A.s
-A good cup of tea can help wipe away the worst tears, scars and fears
-I have one of the best roommates anyone could ever ask for
-Anyone can get better at bowling with enough practice
-Wear your best just for yourself
-Brush your teeth before bed
-When you start being sad or getting sick, just start being AWESOME instead
There are most likely many more lessons I have learned this year, however, these stand as the most important standouts in my life. I hope whoever you are, wherever you are reading these, have a smile brought to your face and maybe a chuckle from my accidental wisdom. I apologize to those I have hurt, both on purpose and accidentally, and to those who I have hurt through hurting myself. I thank those who I have met, who have a brought a smile to my face, and who I have been lucky, silly and witty enough to to bring a smile to their face. Life is a journey, life is cliche, but never forget those who bring love into your life.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, happy generic average day, and may God bless us, everyone.
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